Sunday, May 17, 2020

Reformed Episcopal Seminary Essay Example For Students

Improved Episcopal Seminary Essay Issues in Living9/13/2004Class ScriptureIsaiah 42:3A wounded reed will he not break, and the smoking flax will he notquench: he will deliver judgment unto truth. At the point when you working with somebody who is injured, the heart has been harmed. In this way, when you work with this individual, you should realize how to cherish them and notbreak them. You figure out how to structure them and contain them and notbreak them. 1. Psychiatry implies clinical along these lines you utilize the clinical model. a. The clinical model doesn't fit when applied with sacred text. b. The clinical model uses an infection design. c. Any issue must be marked as an infection. I. e. liquor abuse islabeled as a sickness. 2. Four Layers of Psycho Pathologya. The mind layer the setting with the cerebrum layer is the mind asan organ. I. This is the place the clinical and malady model fits. ii. Mind as an organ is the domain of the nervous system specialist. iii. Conditions where we can see (MRI) harm. iv. It is quantifiable mind pathology. v. A few people put ADHD at this level. vi. Alzheimers is at this level. b. Cadence Layer (Systems) The body has drive states (cravings). I. Dozing, eating, sex are rhythms. ii. Bi-polar confusion is a cadenced thing. iii. Eating and sex increases (process addictions) you convey thedrug in your mind. iv. ADHD in fact has a place here. c. Character Driven Character is equivalent to character. I. Character is the aggregate of every one of your encounters. ii. It s how you contemplations, practices and feelings are sorted out. d. Constitution This is the specialized term. I. This is your own store what is interesting to you. ii. Your own story makes a mental constitution. iii. Things at this level are simpler to treat, since its mainlyenvironmental. Improved Episcopal SeminaryProblems in Living9/20/ this is the site for the Society for ChristianPsychology. Direct Care You pastor to individuals legitimately. Soul Care There is a profound side. We are worried about orthodothcy(right convictions) just as how to bring that into viable living. 1. Character Theory. There are ten character issue. 2. Four Layers of Psycho Pathologya. The cerebrum layer the setting with the mind layer is the cerebrum asan organ. I. This is the place the clinical and illness model fits. ii. Cerebrum as an organ is the domain of the nervous system specialist. iii. Conditions where we can see (MRI) harm. iv. It is quantifiable mind pathology. v. A few people put ADHD at this level. vi. Alzheimers is at this level. b. Cadence Layer (Systems) The body has drive states (cravings). I. Dozing, eating and sex are rhythms. ii. Bi-polar confusion is a cadenced thing. iii. Eating and sex increases (process addictions) you convey thedrug in your mind. iv. ADHD in fact has a place here. c. Character Driven Character is equivalent to character. I. Character is the entirety of every one of your encounters. ii. It s how you contemplations, practices and feelings are sorted out. d. Constitution/Narrative This is the specialized term. I. This is your own store what is interesting to you. ii. Your own story makes a mental constitution. iii. Things at this level are simpler to treat, since its mainlyenvironmental. e. An individual can have misery/uneasiness structure each of the four. 3. There are distinction children of discouragement. a. Bi-polar is not quite the same as narrsitist discouragement. 4. DSMa. It created as a method of basic language. 5. 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In the event that your character sorts out how you process, how individuals hear youis to a great extent dictated by their composed character. 6. Ten Personalitya. Shirking Fear dismissal: this individual won't get oncommittees, except if welcomed. Conviction frameworks: Im not alright, butyoure alright and you have the ability to dismiss me. b. Subordinate They are restlessly determined: this individual will welcome youright after the lesson they will stick: Belief framework: Im notokay, however you have the ability to adore me. Peruse DSM. On the off chance that they let go,they will kick the bucket. At the point when the appear, they are not propelled by loveand giving. They can't give, they are takers. 7. Four Personality Types Must Prevalent. a. Narcisstic The language

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